The land is holy and such miscellaneous (Israel)
Why are you flying? Why you? Who was collecting the bag for you? ..- A young man in a strict suit asked questions quickly and looked at me point-blank. At first I was confused. I was interrogated for the first time with passion. And not on passport control somewhere in the USA or Canada, but in his native Pulkovo, in the boarding area. But then I remembered that I was not flying somewhere, but to a country where an undeclared war has been going on for several decades, and peaceful people only a week ago were killed in a terrorist attack. To Israel.
A few minutes later, my answers seemed to satisfy the security staff, and after checking my travel bag, I was missed for boarding. By the way, I flew the Israeli airline ElAl, and this explains a lot. Later, I learned that ElAl is famous for its security service, which she carries with her on every flight to a foreign country. These guys are excellent psychologists, they calculate potential terrorists by the external signs of behavior. Maybe that's why, in the entire history of the airline, no terrorist act was committed on its flights!
Walking along the long sleeve of the ramp, I was already mentally prepared to meet machine gunners and “khaki” seats on the plane. But in the cabin, pretty flight attendants smiled, and the upholstery of the seats and pillows with rugs set up a pleasant flight.
- Shalom!
The last remnants of tension evaporated after a cartoon was broadcast on the monitors, in which a miniature stewardess flew from passenger to passenger in the form of a caring bee, showing how to fasten a seat belt, inflate a life jacket and get an oxygen mask. Well, in general, the usual preflight briefing, during which our passengers usually read the newspaper, with anguish, look out the window or pour on the first one. Probably, everyone just doesn’t even want to think that things will really come to all these masked vests. And if it comes, it is unlikely that they will help someone already ... I like this cartoon, like the neighbors around me, with interest. The bee was really cute and funny.
Four hours flew somehow imperceptibly while watching a movie, lunch and a short nap. Finally, the commander of the crew announced the start of the descent and asked them to raise the curtains of the windows. Salon "Boeing" immediately filled with the sun, and at the bottom seemed the Mediterranean Sea.
Sun and sea! For the St. Petersburg soul, tormented by the lingering autumn-winter spell, these two magic words are like a password to heaven! From October to March, go to any apartment from Kupchino to Ozerkov and ask its inhabitants what they most want right now, and for the thousandth time you will hear: “The sun and the sea”!
The earth seemed far away. Gray-brown, deserted, with scraps of gravel, as it seemed. "And this is the same, Promised," flowing with milk and honey "? - I thought. “I wonder how she attracted Moses, and then all of these Babylonians, Crusaders, Ottoman janissaries and Roman legionnaires? For what kind of beauty and wealth did blood flow and continue to flow? ”
“Piles of gravel”, when approaching, turned into the cells of a shellfishgiant tortoise, and even closer they turned out to be… residential quarters. The houses of gray concrete merged with the ground, so it became possible to examine them only when the plane, lying on the wing, went on the turn right above the roofs. Probably, the inhabitants here not only sleep, but also walk with earplugs. And nothing in this life is not afraid.
Moses led his people in the desert for 40 years and brought them to the only place in the Middle East where there is no oil ... (From Jewish humor).